The aim of the study was to compare the nutrition averages of plant-based meat categories to similarly processed, conventional meats, from sausages and burgers to chicken-style pieces and more. The study further explored other health impacts of plant-based meats, from processing to ingredients, as well as the individual and public health risks associated with high production and intake of conventional meat. The study found that plant-based meats are nutritionally superior or comparable – on average across most categories – to similar conventional meat products; do not present the same individual and public health risks of conventional animal meat; and offer some of the health benefits associated with plant-based eating. The report includes recommendations to plant-based meat manufacturers to address consumer demands around nutrition, ingredients and more, as well as guidance for consumers to determine the role of plant-based meats within their overall diet.

In addition to co-authoring the report, FoodBytes assisted in creating a guide to help consumers choose the best plant-based meat alternatives that meet individual needs and recipe ideas for including plant-based meats in every day meals. FoodBytes also facilitated distribution of the report to key nutrition influencers and stakeholders, and co-author Teri Lichtenstein conducted a number of radio and TV interviews and contributed to print media. The report and consumer guide is available to download for free at https://www.foodfrontier.org/reports/