
Are You a Super Hero Dietitian

Do you know that Google receives well over 4 million search queries every single minute of every single day? Now that’s a lot of content! With “content clutter” now an over-used buzzword, it is harder than ever for dietitians to achieve cut through, especially when anyone can be a publisher and the internet is one [...]

Is there a real person behind your social media?

As technology and the way we communicate evolves at a rapid pace, there are some things that stay the same. Mainly, the importance of people skills. This is true for both people and businesses alike. Even the most well thought-out and perfectly executed social plan can fall flat if it loses sight of the essential humanity [...]

A gram is not always a gram

When I was studying to become a dietitian, a gram was an essential measurement used to create the perfect nutrition concoction to feed a critically ill patient who required total parenteral nutrition. Fast forward almost two decades and a “gram” now has the power to reach thousands of people and influence many more on the [...]

Is sharing really caring?

I feel so lucky. I have the best social media fan and loyal brand advocate one could ever hope for. It's my 11 year old niece. Every time I post my latest meal on Instagram or share a Facebook status update, she is there to give me a thumbs up, share my post and of [...]

Nutrition facts vs. fallacy

Last night, I watched a fascinating episode of the Catalyst, which focussed on the latest research to determine any possible links between nutrition, gut bacteria and health. It certainly was a fascinating topic, especially the faecal implant experiments, which would not be your average dinner conversation topic! But what struck me more so than the [...]

Creating Content Advocates

“Content marketing” must be one of the most over-used buzzwords by all digital marketers. Brands are realising that content is one of the most effective ways of engaging with fans and achieving a true ROI. But there is one element of content marketing that is often overlooked and it is also one of your cheapest, [...]

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