Are You a Super Hero Dietitian
Do you know that Google receives well over 4 million search queries every single minute of every single day? Now that’s a lot of content! With “content clutter” now an over-used buzzword, it is harder than ever for dietitians to achieve cut through, especially when anyone can be a publisher and the internet is one giant oyster. Get Inside Their Head To be a successful nutrition blogger, you really need to find your writing superpower that will captivate your audience. Try writing a story that conveys a feeling, beyond the actual facts. Think like a novelist and get inside your “character’s” head (in this case the character is your target audience). Ask yourself what's really going on inside this character's head? What's their motivation in this scene? What emotions are they likely to be [...]
Is there a real person behind your social media?
As technology and the way we communicate evolves at a rapid pace, there are some things that stay the same. Mainly, the importance of people skills. This is true for both people and businesses alike. Even the most well thought-out and perfectly executed social plan can fall flat if it loses sight of the essential humanity of its audience. The foundation of social, both offline and online, are people. When planning your brand social media strategy and campaigns, it is essential to maintain the human element and create opportunities for offline conversations. A great example of this was the launch for the new Anchor Milk that I attended a couple of week's ago. With an intimate gathering of foodies, bloggers, dietitians and dairy farmers, we were treated to a gastronomy sensation created by celebrity chefs Daniel Wilson and Christian [...]
A gram is not always a gram
When I was studying to become a dietitian, a gram was an essential measurement used to create the perfect nutrition concoction to feed a critically ill patient who required total parenteral nutrition. Fast forward almost two decades and a “gram” now has the power to reach thousands of people and influence many more on the very successful platform Instagram. Likes and comments on Instagram are 50 times higher than Facebook and Twitter. It’s one thing to use Instagram to show off your well-staged food porn, but there is so much more than can be achieved including increased website traffic, social shares and engagement, which can in turn help to drive a financial return for your business and increase your nutrition influence. Hash Power. Before you post, find relevant hashtags that will engage with your [...]
All it takes is 4 words
If a client comes to see you for nutrition advice on how to achieve a healthy lifestyle goal, most of us would have no hesitation in working out a plan to help the client achieve this goal. The plan would include a strategy, specific tactics, measures and ongoing reviews to determine how the plan is working to achieve these goals. Yet when it comes to growing a business and professional portfolio, I see so many dietitians using a haphazard approach to digital and social marketing tools without specific objectives of where they want to go, how they will get there and what they will do to engage with their target audience. Unfortunately, few dietitians actually use a strategy when it comes to social media. They tweet, blog and set up a plethora of social media [...]
Dinner conversation rules
Last night I attended a wonderful dinner hosted by Dietitian Connection. Together with 20 other dietitians, we learned about the “power of reinvention” from Karen Inge, one of the most enthusiastic and inspiring business woman I have ever met. The venue was beautiful, the food was superb and the most enjoyable part of the night was the flow of interesting conversation, of course helped in part by the flow of excellent wine! The sharing of ideas got me thinking….why is it that some dinner party conversations flow so well, yet some conversations on social media fall flat or even worse, turn quite ugly? I believe this often happens because those taking part in the online conversations don’t seem to follow the same rules that they automatically apply during dinner party conversations. The best conversations (whether [...]
What flavour are you?
When you peel back the layers of social media, it really comes down to a simple thing - connection. Why do people share? Everyone has the desire to reach out and connect with other people, whether it’s through sharing content and having someone reply back or by sharing other people’s content and helping them out. In a recent podcast episode of The Social Media Examiner, Bryan Kramer, a thought leader in the art and science of sharing defined six types of people who share : 1) Altruist: Someone who shares something specific about one topic all the time. 2) Careerist: Someone who wants to become a thought leader in their own industry, so they can see their career grow. 3) Hipster: Someone who likes to try things for the first time and share it faster than everyone else. 4) [...]